Vote Racinsky

Elect Joseph Racinsky as your PC candidate for Wellington-Halton Hills

Help elect Joseph Racinsky

Elect Joseph Racinsky so he can help Premier Ford grow the economy, build infrastructure, keep taxes low, and put more money into your pocket. Vote for a candidate that believes in common sense conservative values. Help Joseph Racinsky get it done for Wellington-Halton Hills. If you want an MPP that shares your values, join the PC party today.

How to vote

The nomination meeting will be in person at the Rockmosa Community Hall in Rockwood. Voting will take place on the 15th of February. In order to vote in the nomination, you must reside in the riding of Wellington-Halton Hills, be a Canadian citizen or PR, and be at least 14 years old. You also need to be a PC party member in good standing by 5pm on February the 1st. If you believe in Joseph and the values of integrity, community, and family, sign up now!

Integrity, community, and family. These are the values that Joseph prioritizes. 

Vote Racinsky!